WP 2.1 - Postdoc

Mechanisms of C and N exchange in the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

Duration of contract: 4 years 
Planned starting date: July 2024 - October 2024 
Place of work: University of Vienna

Main supervisor: Christina Kaiser (CV | Lab Homepage
Supervision team: Mark Anthony, Dagmar Wöbken, Andreas Richter


Project description:

We are looking for an excellent scientist with a background in fungal ecology, soil microbial ecology and/or plant physiology and a strong interest in the functioning of the ectomycorrhizal (EM) symbiosis. Although this symbiosis plays a crucial role in terrestrial C and N cycling, key drivers of C and N exchange between plants and EM fungi (f.e., reciprocity, sink strength) are still unknown. The successful candidate will investigate mechanisms of C and N exchange between plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi using stable-isotope tracing in intact plant-soil systems of young trees (f.e., by 13C PLFA SIP and/or 18O qSIP) and nanoscale-chemical imaging (such as NanoSIMS, Stimulated Raman spectroscopy, or AFM-IR) of the plant-fungal interface at the cellular scale. 

Depending on the candidate’s background this may be combined with transcriptomics analysis for deeper functional insights. The candidate will work together with a PhD student who investigates fungal-bacterial interactions in the soil. 



Projects and work packages

How to apply

Supervisor CV (363.92 KB)