Goals and strategy

Unify environmental and medical microbiome research, and create the "Austrian School of Microbiome Science":  Our vision is to break down the walls between environmental (green) and medical (red) microbiome research in Austria and to cross-fertilize each other, resulting in enormous benefits across fields through new, unified conceptual advances and technological innovations. 

Establish Austria at the international forefront of microbiome research: We are dedicated to excellence, in research, training of early-career researchers and support of the society. 

Predict microbiome function and enable targeted interventions: The overall scientific goal of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health’ is an indepth understanding of the molecular, physiological, and ecological mechanisms that control microbiome composition and function across a broad array of highly relevant microbial ecosystems from the human gut to soils and the deep sea, which will link microbes to environmental and human health, i.e., to planetary health. To achieve this goal we have identified three thematic focus areas for the first phase of the CoE: Microbiome Interactions, Microbial Perturbations, and Microbial Interventions.


Research Team