Project 5
Microbiome Monitoring and Interventions for Human Health
Microbiome monitoring and precision microbiome modification hold tremendous potential for improving human health. In Project 5, we will focus on disease surveillance for improved public health, and on targeted interventions in inflammatory and metabolic diseases as well as cancer.
By targeted evaluation of wastewater microbiomes, critical information about the extent and location of communicable diseases and the identity and extent of antibiotic resistance genes will be generated. This targeted surveillance serves both as an early warning system and a quantitative measure of the success of public health interventions that can guide the actions of decision-makers almost in real-time.
One of the most promising microbiome-based interventions in human health is fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), which is used successfully to restore microbiomes and ameliorate diverse disease pathologies. We will leverage our clinical FMT facility and large FMT biospecimen repository to evaluate the value of personalized FMTs.
Finally, we will specifically examine signaling molecules important to the interdomain communication between human host and microbiome to design intervention strategies as a therapeutic strategy for diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease.

andreas bergthaler
Project Leader
medical UNIVERSITY of Vienna

isabella anderson-wagner
Project Member

david berry
Project Member
university of vienna

ruth birner-grünberger
Project Member
technische universität wien (tu wien)

thomas böttcher
Project Member
university of vienna

clarissa campbell
Project Member
center for molecular medicine (cemm, öaw)

holger Daims
Project Member
university of vienna

gregor gorkiewicz
Project Member
medical university of graz

matthias horn
Project Member
university of vienna

christine moissl-eichinger
Project Member
medical university of graz

alexander moschen
Project Member
johannes kepler university linz

angela sessitsch
Project Member
austrian institute of technology

michael wagner
Project Member
UNIVERSITY of vienna

wolfgang wanek
Project Member
UNIVERSITY of vienna
InVolved institutions

work packages in project 5
Work package 5.1
Wastewater Microbiomes for Next-Gen Public Health Monitoring
Targeted monitoring of complex microbiomes has proven to be an extremely useful early warning system for public health. Work Package 5.1 aims to develop the methodology to track the dynamics of bacteria, viruses/phages, and archaea across an urban sewer system to establish baselines and derivations from wastewater microbiomes that will inform and assess mitigation strategies for public health.

Work package 5.2
Microbiome Modification by Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
FMT is an efficient therapy for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection, but also holds promise in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and other complaints. In Work Package 5.2 we will gain a deeper understanding of FMT mechanisms, which will lead to optimized procedures in the future, potentially expanding the applications of microbiome modulatory therapies.

Work package 5.3
Eavesdropping Interdomain Signals and Modulators
Organisms use chemical signals to coordinate their behavior across cells, tissues and populations. Eavesdropping or intercepting these intradomain chemical messages could provide important cues for outside members to respond adaptively. Work Package 5.3 will identify commonalities and concepts that shape interdomain interactions in microbiomes.