New CoE Key researcher Michael Zumstein

New CoE Key researcher Michael Zumstein

Michael Zumstein joins the CoE Microplanet as Key Researcher Nr 33 and brings extensive expertise in environmental biotransformation of anthropogenic chemicals.

A cellular biochemist by training, Michael’s research focus on the environmental biotransformation of human-administered drugs will bridge red and green microbiome research – one of our Cluster’s great ambitions.

Michael did his undergraduate studies at ETH Zürich and also received his PhD in Environmental Chemistry from ETH Zürich. After postdoctoral placements at ETH Zürich, Cornell University, and Eawag, he joined the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science as a Junior Group Leader in 2021 and became a tenure-track professor in fall 2022.

Michael’s research focuses on the environmental biotransformation of anthropogenic chemicals such as human-administered drugs, and his background as a cellular biochemist aligns perfectly with the cluster’s ambition to bridge red-green microbiome research. His interdisciplinary focus and ongoing research activities will further strengthen the cluster’s capabilities and excellence.


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