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About the CoE Microplanet

Our Funding

The Cluster of Excellence “Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health” (CoE Microplanet) is funded by the excellence initiative excellent=austria of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Clusters of Excellence enable groups of scientists at Austrian research institutions to work together to achieve outstanding research results in a scientific, artistic, or interdisciplinary field and to anchor this field of research in Austria at a top international level.

Clusters of excellence provide outstanding support for young researchers and research-oriented education to create the best possible conditions for future generations of researchers to be internationally competitive. They are committed to equal opportunities and diversity. They also have an impact beyond the boundaries of science and are active in knowledge and technology transfer through cooperation with social and economic partners.

The first 5-year period of funding for “Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health” began in October 2023.

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